Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Bailando-o-o, Enrique Iglesias Anyone?

So, What’s HE (((Listening))) to NOW?


If you don’t know about the What’s He Listening to Now Series  – Read this.

Today’s inspiration comes from Enrique Iglesias…I’m not going to take the time to bring you up to speed on Enrique and how his father was Julio Iglesias who knocked women off their feet with his voice.  Just enjoy pure awesomeness.

With that … here’s this week’s What’s He Listening to Now selection of the week:

Enrique Iglesias – Bailandooo


Keep listening…

Photo - What's he listening to now

Buihe Madu | Music Passioneer – nope, passioneer is not a word. But I like it.

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