Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Do All Black People Celebrate Kwanzaa? Umm – No. Here’s Why…

Yeah. Can we admit that “Do All Black People Celebrate Kwanzaa?” is kind of an ignorant question? Don’t judge yourself if you thought that. And know this: It’s not a bad thing if you thought that. It’s just not necessarily the best question to ask.

Perhaps the better questions to ask are:

What is Kwanzaa Really?

Who EXACTLY celebrates it?

Why do they celebrate it?

And most of all, what is actually being celebrated when Kwanzaa is being celebrated?

The same questions can be asked of any holiday really i.e. Chanukah, 3 Kings Day, etc. but when it comes to Kwanzaa, a holiday that’s easily identified and associated as a “black” holiday celebration, there are key questions to ask yourself if you’re someone who’s trying to figure out where your spirit and soul belongs and what it needs to be celebrating while the world is sometime trying to buy its happiness quota for the year.

My recent podcast guest, Maya Bechi M.Ed set the record straight by sharing her personal journey into celebrating Kwanzaa. And during our conversation, she revealed how she went approximately 8-9 years without celebrating the traditional “holidays” i.e. Christmas as part of her process of finding her place in a seasonal world of consumerism. Her kids felt it too as she made sure there were no holiday trees put up around the holidays along with managing the traditional compulsive urge of commercial-driven gift giving.

But this past year, she had a change of heart about how she was going to celebrate the holidays with her family. And Kwanzaa was it. The short two-part videos below are just a sneak peak into her story.

So, if you’re on the fence about what to celebrate this year and why? Or you’ve been curious about celebrating Kwanzaa, Maya’s journey might inspire you to take an experimental step forward to discover Kwanzaa for yourself this holiday season.

Enjoy & Cheers!

– Buihe

Video 1 | Is Kwanzaa Right For You | The Reasons Why or Why You Shouldn’t Celebrate it…

Video 2 | Is Kwanzaa Right For You | What to Expect If You Choose to Celebrate it…

Get Your Copy Now!

Get The Kwanzaa Experience: A Family Codex NOW!

This day-by-day easy to follow Kwanzaa celebration guide will help you and your family explore and discover how to celebrate Kwanzaa YOUR own way and inspire family harmony in such a seamless way. Get it now before the holiday comes this year. (Dec. 26th-Jan. 1st is when Kwanzaa is Celebrated)

Follow The new Kwanzaa Experience Instagram Page as Well…HERE or Below.

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With Buihe Madu


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