Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Enjoy an Audiobook Upgrade + Playbook + Videos!

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Before you complete the processing of your order…

Get a headstart by listening to the HEROmanity audiobook while accessing BONUS training videos in a special playbook which reveal the principles and practices of HEROmanity goal-based execution to get the best results.

Graphics - Buihe Madu & Co. ePlaybookThe principles and practices of HEROmanity are inside the updated best-kept-secret playbook called the 24 Hour Blueprint. It’s an ultimate guide to the future of time/productivity management and lifestyle design.

But What’s In the Videos?

The videos in the playbook explain how to put into practice HEROmanity concepts and take goal-based actions.  Through detailed step-by-step video instructions, they cover what to do on a daily basis, and how to set your self up to Get out Of Your Own Way, Reach Your Goals and Find Your Voice NOW in your daily life after finishing HEROmanity.

The HEROmanity audio book download narrated by the talented Earl Mirsky is currently available for $27 and the 24 Hour Blueprint Playbook is also available for $47!

However, in the spirit of HEROmanity – and for a limited time, you can get both the audiobook AND the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook for a total of $57 $7!

You’ve come so far, let’s make it easier for you to accelerate further.

That’s …yes, $7 which is also known as a cup of coffee and an egg sandwich at Starbucks 🙂

So, below you can add the audiobook AND the 24 Hour Blueprint Playbook with to your free book order by clicking “Start Listening” below.

So, to recap, you’ll be getting:

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The free HEROmanity paperback HEROmanity book (just pay for the postage, $7.95)

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The *Limited Time Offer* Audiobook of HEROmanity (via download)

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The 24 Hour Blueprint playbook with 10+ Self-Coaching videos

So, you get all of that for just $7

And you can start listening to the HEROmanity audiobook, download the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook AND start watching the 24 Hour Blueprint Self-Coaching training videos while your HEROmanity book is on its way to you.  I’m so wishing I was you right now – because this is what I wish someone offered to me when I was where you are.

So if you only want to get just the free HEROmanity book you can continue and get it here.

But if you’re ready to take the plunge to awaken your heroic imagination, start taking dream-based actions and breakthrough, you can start below.



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Startup Stock Photos
24 Hour Blueprint Playbook Training Videos


No, I don’t want the Audiobook, and 24 Hour Playbook to accelerate my results. I’d like to just get my FREE book.

24 Hour Blueprint Club

With Buihe Madu


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