Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Here’s Why the Devil (and God) Are In The Details of Your Marketing…And What to Do About It

When I started learning about the power of digital marketing almost 10 years ago…

I was excited at how success was pretty much guaranteed if I’d done the right things online and set things up CORRECTLY.

But what I didn’t know was that the learning curve was steep.

There was so much to learn about how to set things up properly like…

  • Setting up a blog the right way

  • Writing a high converting and traffic blog post

  • Doing keyword research

  • Setting up the SEO on content

  • Shooting YouTube videos to connect with my audience

  • Performing target audience research

  • Optimizing those videos

  • Pay Per Click Ads

  • And on and on and on…

And honestly, the learning and getting into these details took forever it seemed to grasp AND how to set up.

The toughest part was testing if any of my ideas would work or make money online before jumping into them.

So, whenever I had an idea that I was excited about I quickly learned that it would take a weeks to months to set up and run…only to watch the idea fail or fall short of my expectations.

I wished I’d known how to test ideas back then the way that I’ve learned to do now.

I would have saved so much time, energy and money.

And I learned too that details mattered.  And the devil (and God) were always in the details for better or for worse when an idea either worked or failed.

With all the trainings I registered for and participated in…

There was always a point when things got dark and confusing – when I realized serious details were left out of the “here’s what you get” part of some of the products or trainings I purchased.

This was the most frustrating part of my digital marketing learning journey.

And it’s the reason why I’ve kicked of a series of Crucial Digital Marketing Questions for subject matter experts who are either:

  1. Just starting out
  2. Have an ideas on what they want to do but aren’t confident it will work
  3. Have things working but want their efforts to be less stressful or…
  4. Are looking for coaching to help them take what’s working to the next level

I don’t want anyone to have to go through my long learning curve if it can be avoided.


If you can identify with my frustration or you’re in a place where you want to pivot and try a different approach but you don’t want to spend months trying to figure out if what you’re thinking about doing is going to work or fail, check out the latest Q&A video on How to Make Sure Your Idea Will Work or Make Money Online.

Watch it here and join our FB Group to share more questions that you have which I can reply to.


Buihe | Invincible Consultant Coach

PS: Don’t forget to catch the video here and join the Facebook Group here or below.

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With Buihe Madu


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