Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Let’s Find Out What Your Productivity/Happiness Lifestyle Score Really Means…


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If you just took the Productivity/Happiness Quiz-Assessment, check out your score and look at the sections below that have your score to better understand what it actually means and what actions you can take to improve it.

***If You Don’t Have Your Score, Please Check Your Email for Your Score.*** 

II. End Of Semester Survey Form | State University Of New York at Buffalo | 2015

So, what does your Productivity/Happiness and Lifestyle Satisfaction Score really mean?

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Score: 1 to 2

Did You Score between 1 to 2 in overall or a specific area? 

It means you’re feeling a certain amount of Extreme Unsatisfaction and Unsatisfaction with your life.

Now, let’s talk about your Challenge(s) & Struggles are and WHY it is this way:

If you scored between 1 or 2 points (or in between) in a specific area of life (i.e. spiritual, social, financial, emotional and physical) or overall, this means that you are struggling to find your sense of purpose in that area.  You might lack sufficient motivation.  Emotionally, you might feel angry, afraid, anxious and hopeless about the results you’ve produced in that area so far and question if you will ever change.  You may also not have an adequate “why” or inspiration to get started and head towards taking action and being consistent.

So, what should you do?  Here’s what you can do right now: 

800px-whistle_icon-svgGrab a piece of paper right now or a journal you use, and write down your true motivation and the “why” for what you’re doing in this area of your life.  No matter how embarrassing or ashamed you feel about your “why”, you have to own it. And you can’t compare your why to other peoples why.  And with that being clarified, you’ll begin to find joy, peace and freedom in performing your daily tasks and routines – especially the ones that will help you reach your deepest goals.

Playbook Coaching Tip: 

So, if you didn’t already know, the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook was created to help you along your journey.  And there are parts of the playbook that will be very targeted in helping make the shifts you want. On pg. 7 there’s a part of the playbook that has a chart called the “Ten Worlds of the Human Condition.”

You can use the “Ten Worlds of the Human Condition” section of the playbook to make sure your mindset and consciousness is in the right place. This section also contains an ancient Buddhist model of the human condition and walks you through all the states of consciousness that inspire human behavior from Hell (World No. 1) to Enlightenment (World No. 10). It’s profound and can help you determine or create a new level of consciousness to bring to your daily tasks and activities.

10 Worlds Screenshot

CTA - Panel - Ten Worlds

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Virtual Admins, Please Get Your Playbook available in the 24 Blueprint Virtual Admin Group.


Score: 2 to 3

Did You Score Somewhere Between 2 or 3 in an Area of Life?

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Scoring between 2 to 3 means you’re more than likely experience life somewhere between Unsatisfied or Neutral about your life in general or a specific area.

Here are your probable Challenge(s) & Struggles:

If you scored an average of 2 to 3 points in a specific area (spiritual, social, financial, emotional and physical) or overall, this means that you are struggling to find your patterns or rhythms to be productive or consistent.  You have trouble keeping your primary “why” in front of you.  In other words, your current reason for doing things is not inspiring you towards improvement or the systems you use to track yourself are not easy to maintain.  And as a result, the tasks or routines you have are not bringing you joy, peace and fulfillment. Emotionally, your life experience is between sad and “kinda happy” or even indifferent.

So, What Should You Do About This?

800px-whistle_icon-svgHere’s, what you can do – Keep your true motivation and the “why” in this area of your life in front of you AND have a great system i.e. a better calendar or a better way to keep track of your improvement.  If you’re a visual person, you can create a vision board or put equivalent visual reminders on your dresser or bathroom mirror, on the steering wheel of your car or dashboard, or your phone’s screen saver.  And with that being in front of you, you can cultivate the power to create tasks and routines inspired by the joy of knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing.  Without that, failure by boredom is inevitable.

Playbook Use Coaching Tip: To begin to find joy and freedom in performing your daily tasks and routines, it’s important to actually track what you’re doing and give your self a score for it.  That’s what you’ll be able to do when you use the Task Tracker section of the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook.  It’ll help you to find your flow and move forward where you’re stuck. You can get this sheet and more when you get the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook.

CTA - Panel - Daily Task Tracker with Call outs

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Score: 3 to 4

Did You Score Between 3 to 4 in an area or overall?

It Mean’s You’re Neutral – Satisfied in that Area

Your Challenge(s) & Struggles:

If you received an overall score of 3 to 4 points in a specific area (spiritual, social, financial, emotional and physical) or in general, this means that you have found your patterns or flow to be productive in that area regularly.  But something is missing in order for you to be reliably consistent and happy independent of external circumstances.  You no longer have trouble keeping your inspirational “why” in front of you.  And as a result, the tasks or routines you have are bringing you joy, peace and fulfillment. Emotionally you’re happy and asking yourself what’s next?  You’re looking for the “X” factor however to building unwavering confidence and predictable results.

Here’s What You Should Do To Make It Happen: 

800px-whistle_icon-svgContinue putting your true motivation(s) and the “why” of this area of your life in front of you – remember, use your vision board, an app reminder, index cards etc.  Keep these in the most visible places such as your bedroom or bathroom mirror, on the steering wheel of your car or dashboard or even your phone’s screen saver.  Oh, let’s not forget the fridge too is very visible.  And since you have the skills and habit to create tasks and routines inspired by the joy of knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing, you have to create a system to do it.  This is where a Google calendar tool or similar apps comes in really handy.  In this case, your Google calendar is not just for keeping appointments, it’s for designing a life you love. Without that, you’ll keep missing what’s missing. Sometimes, it’s a matter of daily discipline and catching yourself when you’re slacking.

Playbook Coaching Tip: There’s a certain way we use apps in the 24 Hour Blueprint method program and it requires using what’s called a Kingdom Task list. To keep the joy and freedom of performing your daily tasks and routines consistent, use the Kingdom Task Log section of the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook to capture everything you need to do in areas of life that are important to you to be satisfied.  These tasks are what you’ll use to begin to create a calendar that’s predictable and allows you to act with greater precision.

Get the 24 Hour Blueprint Playbook Here

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Graphics - Ratings - Satisfaction Emoticons - 4 to 5 Score

Score: 4 to 5

If You Scored between 4 or 5 – It Means, You’re Satisfied – Extremely Satisfied with Your Life!

Your Challenge(s) & Struggles:

If you scored an average of to 5 points in a specific area (spiritual, social, financial, emotional and physical) or overall, this means that you have not only found your patterns or flow to be productive in that area, but you are really HAPPY.  You feel whole and complete.  You don’t feel like something is missing in order for you to be consistent and reliably happy.  You are masterful at keeping your “why” in front of you at a consciousness level.  Without a doubt, the tasks or routines you have committed to are bringing you joy, peace and fulfillment. Emotionally you’re happy, at peace and asking yourself, can it get any better than this?  You’re looking for opportunities to show and share your powers and happiness.  You want to help others.

What You Should Do: 

800px-whistle_icon-svgAt this point, you can start teaching and empowering others.  People are clear on what your why is.  And they see how you’re putting your true motivation(s) and the “why” of this area of your life in front of you.  Your physical environment is filled with evidence of your “why”, your motivations, your inspirations.  And since you have started mastering the skills and habit to create tasks and routines inspired by the joy of knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing, you creatively use systems and apps to make life simpler.  Again, This is where Google’s suite of tools or apps come in really handy.  In this case, Social Media, Google or similar platforms are integrated for designing and sharing a life you love.

Playbook Coaching Tip:

To keep all of this going – the joy and freedom of performing your daily tasks and routines, creating life on your own terms, you can start toward mastery.  This means you’re next best move should be to be equipped to apply to take one of our 24 Hour Blueprint coaching programs.  This reinforces what you’ve learned and gives you an edge to stay sharp and live into Extreme Satisfaction.  Great Work!  Explore the course below.

CTA - Panel - Start Course (Full System)

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