Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Life After The Corona Virus (COVID-19) | Podcast & Perspective

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What’s Next?
COVID-19 is not going to stop 7 Billion people all at once from living their lives on earth. So, that means it has a shelf date when it has to come to an end and be subdued.
Between now and that point in time, what can you do to be prepared to live your best life when it’s over?  That’s what this quick talk is about.  Listen and gain some insight and perspective on what to do next for life after COVID-19.
Need a blueprint? Start here: http://24hourblueprint.com/
Want to go on the Chill Code Journey I mentioned in the podcast?  Start here: http://www.thechillcode.com

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24 Hour Blueprint Club

With Buihe Madu


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