Buihe Madu & Co. Presents
The Ultimate Guide to LifeStyle Design Time Management
The perfect resource for students, professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs looking for simple-to-implement lifestyle design principles to gain better time management habits and finally experience daily fulfilment with clarity, precision and speed.
Barnum and Bailey Circus closed its doors in 2017 after 146 years due to a prolonged slump in ticket sales that rendered their entertainment business unsustainable. And the same will be said about the tips and techniques of time management practices most have been using and even learned from our modern day success gurus to improve our lives. That said, this guide you’re about to read is the writing on the wall indicating the end is near for everything you think you know or have learned about to get better at time management.
The Ultimate Guide to LifeStyle Design Time Management is filled with comprehensive and breakthrough habit building exercises and templates for better time management. But best of all, it features easy-to-use worksheets (available in Google sheets as well) that empowers professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs and students to take 100% control of their lives and time by monitoring and eliminating the mental clutter and daily distractions that undermine optimal time usage and productivity.
Begin reading it now to regain a deep sense of confidence and control back of your daily life activities, productivity and business goals and avoid the common pitfalls of trying to figure it out alone via trial and error, guru inspired misinformation and canned Google search result page articles with partial answers.
What is Lifestyle Design Time Management?
Lifestyle design time management is a breakthrough approach to time management that is exclusively concerned with replacing poor or insufficient time management habits with new tailor-made habits by looking at existing lifestyle patterns in 5 key areas – Spirituality, Relationships, Financial activities, Emotional and Physical Well-Being.
When you get to the heart of the subject matter, lifestyle design time management is at its core all about reinforcing time management habits that deliver on what I refer to as ultimate happiness and peace of mind – even bliss; but most of all it’s time management with a specific intention. And that intention is to establish consistent, meaningful and rewarding lifestyle habits and patterns that gives you a chance to experience balance, harmony, increased productivity and freedom by creating operational blueprints that you can live with and use day to day.
How Does Lifestyle Design Time Management Work?
As alluded to earlier, lifestyle design time management is a specialized kind of time management. It can also be classified as an advanced and modern time management approach to replace the traditional “old” industrial time management model that focuses on getting as many tasks completed as possible in a finite period of time to increase productivity or add to the bottom line.
Although lifestyle design time management can help with producing the results mentioned above or things like: setting time for making it to a child’s soccer game or recital, leaving work and being home just in time for dinner – or even scheduling time for a well deserved weekend off in peace, that’s not quite the whole picture of how lifestyle design time management works.
Lifestyle Design Weekly Planning Example
To best explain how lifestyle design time management works, think about the last time you planned out a hectic week and started telling yourself, “this next week is going to totally suck because I got so much work to do and turn in by Friday…I have 3 presentations to finish (or a couple reports or papers to submit) and I don’t even know how I’m going to be able to get enough sleep, make it to work on time by 8am every morning, prep my clothes (and pack a lunch the night before because I won’t be taking lunch outside the office this week), and also make sure the kids are ready early enough in the morning, fed and dropped off at school or daycare on my way to the office. Oh, and I still don’t know what we’re going to be doing for dinner this week. I haven’t done any grocery shopping. Maybe I’ll order delivery and I think I have some frozen dinners- yeah, that should cover us. And Junior has a Dr.’s appointment on Thursday – I totally forgot about that. And I think we’re supposed to have a birthday date with Carol and Dave on Saturday – and I still don’t know what to get them.” This is the kind of reality that we’re all living in some way or another. It’s extreme but we all have some part of our lives that sound just like the example above.
Asking the Tough Time Use and Motive Questions
The way the 24 Hour Blueprint lifestyle design time management system works is by looking at a situation like the one above and gathering actionable insights by boldly asking questions that reveal one’s daily level of consciousness. This begins with self reflective questions like:
Why am I doing all of this? What are my true motives? Is fear driving all of this? Obligation? Guilt? Overachievement? Who am I trying to impress, please or fool? Is all this aligned with my sense of mission?
Where and how can I draw the appropriate boundaries for myself so that I can ask for help or just remove some of these to-do’s without feeling guilty for doing so?
And most of all how can I make these changes once and for all so I never have to feel overwhelmed about all the things I have to get done and stop judging myself for not producing 96 hours worth of work in a day?
And given that there is only 24 hours in a day, what realistically will get done and what will not – and who do I need to tell upfront that I won’t be doing what I may’ve overzealously promised to do?
Along with all these questions, the overall lifestyle design time management approach helps you take a samurai sword to your daily tasks and activities and schedule ONLY the things that will bring you ultimate happiness, satisfaction, and peace of mind.
The Process
And this process begins with a 24 Hour Blueprint assessment-quiz where you use a 5 point satisfaction scale to rate yourself in 5 key areas of life:
Spirituality, Relationships, Financial actions, Emotional and Physical Well-Being.
The average of your ratings from the total of these five key areas gives you a lifestyle score and that’s where the lifestyle design time management model takes shape.
After this, the next question to ask based on scores is “what do I need to do or stop doing to improve my scores and does my schedule reflect the time commitments needed to improve?” Answering this questions requires a rigorous process of examining what goes into your calendar and why. And after this point, the lifestyle design time management process moves the user toward better time management habits.
What are the Benefits of Lifestyle Design Time Management?
There are countless benefits of lifestyle design time management. But some of the immediate and noteworthy ones include:
- Superior focus from having a clear framework and way to rate, assess and score productivity and progress in the 5 key areas mentioned: Spirituality, Relationships, Finances, Emotions and Physical well-being
- Regaining a sense of control and focus on ONLY what matters daily vs. being sidetracked by an onslaught of daily distractions
- Achieving Ultimate Happiness, a kind of happiness that won’t leave you when things don’t go your way
- Peace of mind from knowing what you need to do and when without having to stress over it from one week to another
- Clarity from having a custom blueprint and understanding of what actions you need to take to ensure personal satisfaction consistently.
- Confidence to face the unexpected and unknown
About The Ultimate Guide to LifeStyle Design Time Management
The Ultimate Guide to LifeStyle Design Time Management is based on a time management approach known as the 24 Hour Blueprint method. And this method has one primary objective and it’s to clear your mind of the millions of possible distractions modern life throws your way and give you access to your most precious resource and asset, your mind.
The clearer we are and the better we are at managing the tasks, events and duties of life that are cyclical in nature, the happier we become.
And the happier we become, the greater the level of freedom and peace we experience to express ourselves, share our ideas and creative potential with others. This is primarily because of a newfound sense of control of our life. When this happens, we get a taste of the deeper parts of ourselves that consist of a heroic nature and our humanity. And when this happens, we tap into our unlimited potential.
I hope by applying the exercises in this playbook that you will cultivate the time management habits required for to tap into your heroic potential and share it with the world.
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Here’s What You’ll Learn from this Guide
How Consciousness Affects Your Power to Manage Time
As you read this guide, you’ll learn how to identify and establish a state of consciousness to approach your lifestyle design practices and build better time management habits.
And inside this guide you’ll also find a table of the Ten World’s of the Human Condition reflected in the image you see below.

How to Manage Time Better By Focusing ONLY on 5 Simple Key Areas i.e. the 5 Kingdoms
The 24 Hour Blueprint’s lifestyle design time management approach addresses 5 areas of life which are referred to as the 5 Kingdoms. And what you’ll learn in this guide is how to make a paradigm shift that empowers you to see your life in these 5 Kingdom categorizations. And along with that, you’ll learn how to keep your tasks in each of these areas very specific and even identify how much time each task takes so you never over schedule yourself.
How to Use a 5-Point Rating System to Assess Growth and Progress in 5 Key Areas of Life
One of the biggest challenges to those aspiring to improve their lifestyle design time management skills face is quantifying progress. This guide provides some clear step-by-step exercises showing how to quantify, rate and assess growth so that it’s easy to stay inspired by the small steps vs. the hard-to-track big steps which can be discouraging to keep up with. The icons above represent the 5 key areas of life that the 24 Hour Blueprint addresses – Spirituality, Relationships, Finances, Emotional Well-Being (Happiness) and Fitness.
How to Assess Your Productivity and Levels of Satisfaction (without judging yourself)

After rating and scoring productivity and process, you’ll learn how to quantify your score. And that’s where the emoticon scale above comes into play. You’ll learn how to use the scale above to determine what actions need to be take in any of the 5 Kingdoms and how often in order to become either satisfied or extremely satisfied.
How to Pick the Best Time Management Tool That’s Best for You
After the assessments are completed using the satisfaction scale above, actions need to be taken to improve the scores. And that’s when your time management tool or system has be leveraged. Are you a Google Calendar person? Microsoft Outlook user? Paper calendar kind of person – whichever you are, you’ll learn how to pick and use the system that’s best for your lifestyle.
How to Create a New Habits by Tracking

The table above shows a customizeable scoring template that can be used to assess on a daily basis whether or not you’re completing the actions required to create better time management habits. You’ll learn how to use this table and customize it to alter your time management habits to accomplish your goals and objectives.
How to Save Time by Planning 3 Weeks ahead in less than 15mins
While most people can barely plan 2 weeks out at a time without having an admin assistant, the method you’ll learn in this guide known as the 3-Week Look-Ahead will empower you to plan 3 weeks ahead in less than 15 minutes. That’s one more thing you’ll learn from this guide.
How to Replace To-Do Lists with Set Daily Intentions
To-Do lists are one of those ancient productivity tools that has lasted the test of time. And in 24 Hour Blueprint Guide you’ll learn an alternative way to look at to-do lists. And that alternative is known as the Intentions and Outcomes page wich is available for download in this guide.
Read to Start?
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Chapter 01 – How to to Grow in Consciousness and Create Better Time Management Habits
Chapter 02 – What Are the 5 Kingdoms of Life Life
Chapter 03 – How to Measure Happiness
Chapter 04 – How to Increase Happiness by Tracking Better Time Management Habits
Chapter 05 – How to Select the Best Time Management Tools
Chapter 06 – How to Replace Bad Time Management Habits with New Ones
Chapter 07 – How to Plan Ahead Faster Using the 3 Week Look-Ahead
Epilogue – The Future of Time Management