Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Before Your Masterclass Begins | Do This to Prepare

Dear Masterclass Student,

We’re looking forward to your participation in our next Masterclass session.

As a Masterclass, we expect the best of our participants. And that requires preparation.

Here’s what you you’ll need to do to be best prepared for your training:

  • Calendar Time Block – Please block out 45-60mins on your calendar

  • Find a Quiet Space – Find a quiet environment free from distractions

  • Internet Access – Make sure you have reliable internet service

  • Computer Access – A laptop ideally to best view the information as it’s being presented (Note: Although you can use your phone during the training, you will likely miss somethings due to visibility)

  • A Notebook – A great place to capture your thoughts and insights

  • A pen – Please make sure it writes BEFORE the training starts

  • Dreams/Goals – A short list of 2 or 3 things you’d like to see happen in your business in the next 2 – 3 months.

  • Mindset – A coachable mindset to learn new ways to do things more efficiently

  • Join the Facebook Group – If you haven’t joined our Facebook group, please go here

FAQs About the Masterclass/Training Session

Q: How Do I Log into the Masterclass?

A: 10-15mins before your training begins, you can log in to access your meeting room at buihemadu.com/zoom

Q: What’s the Passcode?

A: No passcode needed to access the meeting

Q: What if I have problems logging in?

A: If you have any problems with logging in please text us at 312-869-4196

24 Hour Blueprint Club

With Buihe Madu


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