Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Now Playing: The Crucial Digital Marketing Q&A Video Replays (Watch Below)

April just ended.  And it went so fast, you probably missed all of the episodes!

So, now it’s time to catch your breathe, grab a drink and catch up on the video replays from our Crucial Digital Marketing Questions & Answer series.

The series was dedicated to answering those tough or embarrassing questions that professionals find themselves stuck trying to figure out on their own.  And I hope you find value in at least one of the replays you see below.

Here’s everything you missed.


 If you’re in a place where you want to pivot and try a different approach to increasing sales but you don’t want to spend months trying to figure out if what you’re thinking about doing is going to work then “What Can I Do To Make Sure My Business Idea Will Work or Make Money Online?” is the replay to watch.


Check out “But What the Hell Do You Sell Tho?” if you haven’t figured out what your clients are secretly dying to buy from you and won’t tell you directly.


How To Kill Bills With Your Consulting Fees” will show you how to set up your consulting fee model so cashflow is NEVER a concern.


Check out “The No. 1 Secret To Attracting More Revenue As A Subject Matter Expert” and learn the secrets of how top subject matter experts attract more revenue consistently.


The “What Exactly Makes Someone A Subject Matter Expert (And Why Does it Matter?)” episode will show you how to earn more with ease by positioning yourself as a subject matter expert without the “credentials” and certificates you think you need.


In the “How Do You Sell Your Products or Service Online Without Being Salesy or Annoying” episode, you’ll learn the secret to having potential clients begging to buy from you instead of running from you when you share your work with them.

24 Hour Blueprint Club

With Buihe Madu


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