Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Sing this Song to Your Business – Cause I Looove You…(What’s He Listening to Now Series)

So, What’s HE (((Listening))) to NOW?

Image - Lenny Williams.png
Photo credits: Iloveoldschoolmusic.com

Today’s Inspiration comes from Lenny Williams, actually  his full name is”Leonard Charles “Lenny” Williams.  And he’s an American singer known for his work in the R&B and soul music genres. During the 1970s, he was the lead vocalist for Tower of Power.” according to Wikipedia.

Story Behind Today’s What’s He Listening to NOW?

So, I’m working into the night.  It’s just after 4am.  And for some reason this tune comes to mind.  I know. Seems random but you’d understand if you read the first post I did on how music surfaces to my mind.  So this one is getting added to my Youtube “Right Now” Playlist … it’s an R&B classic about a sappy dude who’s so distraught trying to get his girl back that he can’t be consoled.

And as the song played, I couldn’t help but sing it silently and mimic the high notes.  You’ll know what I’m talking about at 2:04 in the 7min+ song.  In the end I had an insight.  What if we sang like this about our businesses or the work that we do?  Now, this will make sense when you hear the tune.  It’s pretty good.  Click play and listen.

With that … here’s this week’s What’s he listening to now selection:

Lenny Williams – ‘Cause I Love You

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbzkwLWK-Ps?rel=0]

Keep listening…

Photo - What's he listening to now

Buihe Madu | Music Passioneer – nope, not a word. But I like it.

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