Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Step 1: Preview The Next Stress-Free Life & Virtual (Coaching) Event

This Event Answers One Simple Question…


In other words, complete the sentence below:

If my life was stress free, I would be (Fill in the blank)

What word would you use to fill in the blank?


That’s what the Chill Code process will give you a chance to do and experience.

Now Do This:


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Take a Simple 2 minute Assessment – To Find Your Chill Code & Make Sure You’re Best Prepared

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Use This Link and Bookmark it to Join Us This Sunday at 9pm EST

photo of people looking on laptop
Click the Image to Access the Zoom Link

You’ll Receive a Reminder but please make Sure Your Phone Alarm is set as well.

What to Expect to Discover and Learn from the Event:

✔️ How to Make It Impossible for Yourself to Have a Bad Day

✔️ Why meditation might be an absolute waste of your time and energy

✔️ The No. 1 Time Management MISTAKE that’s robbing you of 4 hours and 24 mins of joy a day.

✔️ And finally, the 4-Step process that can triple your monthly productivity in 15-minutes or less.

✔️ BONUS: The 1-page assessment sheet that replaces years of fear, worry and anxiety with hope, excitement and a future of satisfaction and fulfillment.

See you on the Zoom call,



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24 Hour Blueprint Club

With Buihe Madu


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