Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Your Weekly Stress-Free Week Tool is Here…

What gets measured gets managed. – Peter Drucker

This principle comes in really handy when it comes to assessing what’s stressing you out.   And so without a way or habit of measuring your own progress from week to week, you can’t expect to make the changes or adjustments you need to reach your goals or objectives AND become stress free.  Taking this to heart, I shared about the process of making sure that those following my content and are part of the 24 Hour Blueprint action-taking tribe keep improving each week in the areas of life that matter to them the most.  Details are in a recent video. And I invite you to start your 5-Star Life review process

How does the 5-Star Chill Code Lifestyle Weekly Review Alleviate Stress?

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24 Hour Blueprint Club

With Buihe Madu


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