Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Video Replay: How To Kill Bills With Your Consulting Fees | Crucial Q&A Series

How can a subject matter expert ensure that their business AND life expenses/costs aka BILLS are covered each and every month on-time seamlessly without being on the eternal I-gotta-get-new-clients treadmill?

Could the answer be in how their consulting fees and or pricing models are set up?

Or could the answer be hidden in the lessons we can learn and apply from the real estate world’s rental fee or leasing model?

Is it possible that having the right fee structure model could not only ease cashflow crunches but also protect you from the stresses which can cause health issues or impact your quality of life?

This is why setting up your pricing and fee model correctly is essential and required for you to Kill BILLS before they kill your dreams and goals for your consulting practice.

And it’s also why you should check out the recent Crucial Digital Marketing Questions series episode, “How To Kill Bills With Your Consulting Fees” replay and learn how to set up your consulting fee model so cashflow is NEVER a concern.

You can start below.


Buihe | Your Personal Invincible Consultant Coach

Video Replay: How to Kill Bills With Your Consulting Fee Model | Crucial Q&A Series

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With Buihe Madu


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