Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Coaching Fatigue, Recovery and Resurrection…


Note: I recently shared this post on my Facebook timeline in honor of a Master Class that was created to support new authors who are also looking to become speakers.

If you’re a coach that hasn’t published your first book yet, or you’re someone who has a book tucked way on a thumb drive somewhere, I sincerely invite you to consider dusting it off and getting back in the saddle with me as I jump into he arena of coaching with a cause.

Also, if you’re a burned out and want to get the fire back in your practice. Read and consider the Master Class discussed below might be fore you as well.

After 2013, I stopped 1-on-1 coaching for years. Of course, I coached informally and in programs for training. But I stopped doing it professionally.


Well, coaching fatigue (when you feel your coaching is not making the difference you want it to make), life, client capacity to absorb the kind of coaching I was offering, difficulty figuring out who my EXACT market was, and then there was just simply digging deeper to research, refine my skills and methods and coach in ways that no one was doing to produce certain kinds of results that were more meaningful.

I was willing and ready to go the rest of my life without ever coaching again. Sure, I would have written more books and maybe lectured but personal, intimate coaching was out of the question. Recently, I woke up with the inner voice telling me to coach first time coaches and speakers. And it felt right. It was time to start coaching again. So…

The Resurrection of the Coaching Spirit

I have to confess…

The spirit of coaching in 1-on-1 and intimate arrangements is back in life. And I’m letting that Coaching Spirit do what it wants to do through me to Inspire People to Inspire People by Inspiring Authors to Inspire Authors (and People too).

And there’s an *All New* program that’s now open for applicants who are New Authors or Aspiring Authors and Speakers.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE This program. Why? Cause I LIVED It. And I’m actual proof of how it works and that it can work for ANYBODY with a vision and a message.

Spreading the Message and News

If you or someone you really care about has been praying for no hype, no BS, down-to-earth locker room style coaching on how to write their first book, self publish it, speak and get paid for it, consider taking the *All New* Master Class for New Authors and Speakers.

There will only be 5 participants accepted. The small group makes accountability easier to manage and for results to be produced as designed. Interested?


Learn More

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With Buihe Madu


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