Buihe Madu & Co. – Speaker | Image Consultant | Coach

Video Training – 24 Hour Blueprint Playbook Resources

Attention: All 24 Hour Blueprint Playbook Users – Check Your Inbox for Your PDF link emailed to you if you still need your productivity score or Playbook PDF download or email buihe@24hourblueprint.com to receive them

Welcome to the 24 Hour Blueprint Video Training Area


Please Note: The beta and case study phases of the 24 Hour Blueprint are now complete.  Any references made in the videos below do not apply to 2019+ users.

The New Editions of the Training Videos Will Be Released SOON. Below are the titles of them and how they correspond to the Blueprint.  Between now and when the new videos are published here, please watch the previous version of the overview video which will give you a good sense of how the playbook system works.

The videos that correspond to sections of the playbook have a screenshots to guide you.  Please use those as your guide to making sure you’re watching the right video for the correct playbook section.

Video 1 – The 24 Hour Blueprint Playbook Overview

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Get Yours After Taking Your 24 Hour Blueprint Self-Assessments.

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Video 2 – The Case Study Overview

Note: This Case Study video was created for a select group of participants in the early days of the roll out of the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook.  And it’s been provided here to provide you with a sense of the background and history of the work that lead to what you have in your hands today as the 24 Hour Blueprint playbook.

Video 3How to Calculate Your Kingdom Assessment Score

Screenshot - Kingdom of Fitness ExampleNotes: At Minute 6:20 you’ll see how I use an excel document to do the calculations. However, I recommend that you do the calculations by hand first using the blank sheets that came with your playbook.   Nearby is of course, a section of your playbook which also shows how to do the calculation.  And in the spirit of reinforcing your learning, you can watch the video and use the example sheet above to make sure you do your Kingdom Rating exercise and assessment correctly. Watch the video know to see how it’s done.


BONUS Video: How to Breakthrough Time Management and Frustration

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Video 4 – Acceleration: Creating the Perfect Day

24 Hour Blueprint Training Event Banner


Video 5 – Planning 3-Weeks Ahead

What to Learn: In this video section, you’ll why the 24 Hour Blueprint model is superior to most of what’s on the market as far is the strategy you need to frame your lifestyle design and time management efforts better.  Below is sample of what your playbook should have in it for you to begin mastering and living life on your terms.  After that, is the video.


Video 6 – How Consciousness Can Make Of Break Your Actions

Note: This section has two maps to show one of the major upgrades of the 24 Hour Blueprint.  One of the early editions had the Map of Consciousness (MOC) that you see below “OLD Version” and the last edition, the 2019 Edition contains the Ten Worlds of the Human Condition.  The videos in this training section currently feature the MOC but they will be upgraded to feature the Ten Worlds of the Human Condition.  The lesson and application of this approach of making sure one’s consciousness state(s) is identified properly first before engaging in time management activities is still the same.  Please be sure to identify your state of consciousness by selecting the appropriate world that you’ve identified before moving too far into your lifestyle design activities and time management planning.

The map is below for reference ONLY.  The 10 Worlds of the Human Condition is what’s featured in the latest version of the Blueprint.

OLD Version: Map of Consciousness


New Version: The Ten Worlds of the Human Condition

10 Worlds Screenshot


Video 7 – How to Use The 24 Hour Blueprint Analog Version


BONUS Video 


BONUS Video – How to Manage Your Schedule When Your Phone Dies


BONUS Video – iCommands for the Unconscious Mind


Ready to Download Some Awesome Resources to Help You Design a Productive & Happier LifeStyle?

Good. We are too.  We currently have all of the files you’ll need right on Google Drive.  Click the icon below and request access.  And you can have EVERYTHING in the folder.

In this folder you’ll have your 3 Week Look Ahead Sheets, Daily Intention Sheets and Month to Month Calendar Sheets…

icon-google-drive-256x256>Download Your Files

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