The summer (sometimes even the early Fall) can be a distraction from the tenacity required to reach your asset goals for what’s left of the year. Between complaining about how fast the year has gone by or how hot it is, trying to keep still so you don’t get too hot or dashing between the car and the mall to stay cool or bar-b-q hopping – Who has time to remember what they set out to accomplish under the romantic cooler winter night stars featuring the countdown of 5-4-3-2-1 – Happy New Year?!!!
Why 90+% Fail
So, if you are one of the ninety something percent that normally can’t hit their annual goals – there’s a reason why. And part of it has to do with your attention span. And if you’re humble enough, your head and inner eye gaze is down right about now as you read on knowing your inability to stay focused is a primary reason why you rarely reach the targets you set out to hit consistently. But this post is about inspiring vs. shaming you into making the shifts you need to make to get back on track to reaching the goals you set out at the beginning of this year.
The 6 Mid-Year Changes You Need to Make to Still Reach Your Goals This Year
This is why this week’s podcast episode has been created to help you get focused on the 6 Mid-Year Changes You Need to Make to Still Reach Your Goals This Year. If you’re realizing that the last 6 – 9 months will look like the next 6 – 9 unless something radically changes big-time, listen to the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Happened to My Goals? (Here’s maybe what happened) podcast episode and you’ll be reminded that you are 1 of 6 changes away from causing your own personal, professional and business breakthrough.
Check out our latest podcast to start to get back on track to reach your goals this year.
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